As regular CFZ-watchers will know, for some time Corinna has been doing a column for Animals & Men and a regular segment on On The Track... particularly about out-of-place birds and rare vagrants. There seem to be more and more bird stories from all over the world hitting the news these days so, to make room for them all - and to give them all equal and worthy coverage - she has set up this new blog to cover all things feathery and Fortean.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Upland birds on the up on the moors

The Eastern Moors in Derbyshire's Peak District is bucking the national trend with an increase in the numbers of threatened bird species.

A survey of breeding birds at Eastern Moors has revealed the Peak District site is a surprising haven for upland species that are vanishing elsewhere in Britain.

Since the National Trust and the RSPB took over the management of the moors on the edge of Sheffield five years ago, Whinchat numbers have more than doubled, increasing from 25 pairs in 2010 to 60 in 2015. Whinchat arrives every summer from Africa to breed in the British uplands, and was recently added to the Red List of high conservation concern following a 50 per cent decline in Britain since the 1990s.

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